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Principals Weekly Newsletter

Monica Wingard

Dear St. George Families,

This weekend we celebrate our 8th grade graduates. Everyone is invited to the 10:30 Sunday Baccalaureate Mass at St. George where we honor 29 fine young men and women who will be the 102nd graduation class of St. George. We are so proud of the growth these students have made in their time at St. George and we know they are ready for the challenges and new experiences that lie ahead in high school.

It is a bittersweet time for all of us as we send off the 29 students while also saying the final goodbye to 19 wonderful families who are also graduating with their children. We pay special homage in gratitude for the 7,680 hours plus of service these families have provided to the school community coaching CYO sports, organizing Halloween Carnivals, auctions, Jogathons, and multicultural fairs; chaperoning field trips, volunteering in classrooms and on the playground; serving as PTA Leadership, Room Parents, Auction and Halloween Chairs and on the School Commission. They have also raised over $96,000 for the school alone in the minimum $500 fundraising not to mention their “donations” made in attending and spending at the auction!

St. George Parish School is ONLY as WONDERFUL as our parents make it through community involvement and partnership with teachers and staff. It is our SECRET SAUCE that makes all the difference, and I thank these parents for setting the example of what it means to build community. See the wonderful years of service. We also acknowledge that we have a few St. Edward families in this group who had also several years of support to St. Edward School.

Evan Alex and his parents Charisma and Casey 14 years

Hank Alleson and his parents Amanda and Rob 14 years

Bathsheba Beyen and her parents Saba and Alem 16 years

Lena Chiodo and her parents Andrea and Tony 9 years

Hayana Dela Paz and her parents Marlyn and Paul 3 years

Germaine Diocales and his grandparents Maria and Jesus 9 years

Renz Donato and his parents Gwen and Richard 6 years

Dale Dytioco and his parents Rovelyn and Daniel 15 years

Gabi Eskinder and her parents Sisay and Eskinder 13 years

Isabella Garcia and her parents Pamela and Aris 14 years

Jaylen Hongvilay and his parents Seila and Noudeng 5 years

Justine Laylo and his parents Judy and Christopher 10 years

Vanessa Le and her parents Thanh and Chuong 3 years

Micah Lind and his parents Cindy and Chuck 20 years

Miguel Lorete and his parents Charmie and Roy 15 years

Grace Louie and her parents Sarah and Brian 3 years

Tea Nguyen and her parents Celina and Tu 3 years

Sofia Ybarra and her parents Stacy and Alonzo 17 years

Jacob Yee-Navlet and his parents Sandy and Mike 3 years


All final payments for Service Hours and Fundraising were due yesterday.

Ms. Morgan has sent out notices for lost or damaged books.

EXTENDED Care Bills for May 1-31st will be sent out on Monday. Those are due upon receipt.

Extended Care bills for June 1-June 13th will be given to you in August and are due with September billing. We will hold report cards and transcripts for families who still have outstanding balances for Tuition, Service Hours, Fundraising, library fines, and May Extended Care.

TUTION PAYMENTS for 2023-24. We want to inform you that emails coming from the SchoolAdmin system will come from This means you will receive statements, payment reminders, and other important information for next school year from this email address.

Last Day for Study Hall

Today (Thursday) is the last day for after-school study hall.

Save the dates

  • Tues. June 6th - 8th grade Graduation at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM. NO balloons are allowed in the church. Reception follows in the school hall.

  • Thurs. June 8th - Mandatory SUMMER SCHOOL meeting for all parents whose child will attend at 6:30 PM in the school hall. All summer school fees are due in full payable by check or cash at this time.

  • Fri. June 9th 6:00 PM - Pres/PreK graduation and potluck in St. Francis room. Doors open at 5:30. NO balloons are allowed in the church.

  • Tues. June 13th - Field Day led by Mr. McKenzie and Grade 7.

  • Wed. June 14th - 8:30 End of Year Mass.

Kinder graduation directly after Mass. NO balloons are allowed.

11:15 Final awards ceremony and the Big Skootch in the school hall. Preschool-7th

12:00 Dismissal for Summer Vacation. No Extended Care

Our Main office will switch to our Summer Hours of 10-1:00 PM starting June 15th- June 30th. We will be closed Monday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth and July 3- August 7th

We will send out a Back to School Information email on June 30th that will include classroom supply lists, the 2023-24 calendar, and new uniform policies.

Both Ms. Ebreo and I will check emails regularly should you have any questions.

Hope to see you at Mass on Sunday!

Monica Wingard, Principal

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