A St. George Parish School student is:
An Engaged Faith Filled Member of our community who
Seeks a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Participates in liturgy, prayer and celebrations of faith.
Demonstrates knowledge of Catholic faith.
Creates healthy relationships by accepting responsibility and finding peaceful solutions.
Acts with Christian integrity in an ever-changing world.
A Missionary Disciple who
Practices the Principals of Catholic Social Teachings through service.
Demonstrates Christ-like leadership skills.
Stewards all God’s gifts and blessings with responsibility and gratitude.
A Life-Long Learner who
Takes a disciplined and dedicated approach to learning and applying academic content
Demonstrates ownership for learning through engagement and reflection.
Develops a growth mindset through goal setting, self-reflection and perseverance
St. George Student Code of Conduct
I will do my personal best.
I will be responsible and follow the policies of the Parent/Student Handbook.
I will respect myself, others and the environment.
I will choose to learn, encourage others to learn and allow the teachers to teach.