Sixth Grade Curriculum
Sixth grade at St. George is a transition year between the self-contained classroom and the rotating classes of middle school. Students rotate as a homeroom group. They learn from the teaching styles of three teachers and bond with their classmates during their homeroom time.
St. George School presents a challenging, relevant and student-friendly academic program in an environment of acceptance, support and humor. Sixth grade is an amazing year of physical, emotional, social and spiritual growth as students begin to mature into young adults.
General-Each student uses a Google Chromebook for their schoolwork. Teachers facilitate discussions and projects through Google classroom.
There is a two-night sleepaway camp at Camp Seymour in the fall. The focus of came is time to build community, and strengthen a sense of self.

6th grade religion focuses on deepening students’ understanding of the Bible, the messages of the Old Testament, and how these speak to our daily lives. Topics studied in depth are: pre-history (Genesis: Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah, Tower of Babel), Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph) Exodus, Judges and Kings, and Prophets.
The theme for the sixth grade curriculum is community. Students read a variety of works and reflect on how they demonstrate what a community is and how to create it. Students will engage in class novel studies, independent reading projects, oral book reports, weekly nonfiction reading practice (Achieve 3000 program), and vocabulary building (Wordly Wise program).
Writing/English Language Arts
The 6th grade ELA/Language Arts program includes writing, grammar, spelling, proofreading, and the conventions of writing. The goal for language study is that students will apply these skills in a variety of types of writing. We use an instructional model for teaching writing called six-trait writing. This approach describes six aspects of writing: ideas, organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. Teaching the six traits helps students understand components of effective writing, and gives us a common vocabulary that we can use as we discuss our writing. We also emphasize the writing process, especially effective pre-writing and revision strategies.
Student build on skills from previous years focusing on:
Gathering and Displaying Data
Operations with Decimal Numbers and Fractions
Solving for Ratios and Proportions
Solving within Geometry
Solving with Integers
Exploring Probability
Students use iReady Math, an online mathematics program, as a way to connect, reinforce, and extend topics covered in math class. The program also tracks students' growth week-to-week.
6th Grade Science focuses primarily on Biology, beginning with Environmental Sciences. Students attend YMCA Camp Seymour to explore western Washington’s ecosystems. They create Public Service Announcements to warn of the dangers that human activities have on Earth’s environments.
Students then study Genetics and Heredity by tracing the path in which genes are passed onto offspring. They create cat families to demonstrate how an organism gets its traits from its parents.
Finally, students learn about the Diversity of Animals and present their research projects to younger students.
Social Studies
In 6th grade, students study the world’s earliest history and ancient civilizations. This includes units on pre-civilization Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. They will learn about the origins of civilization, achievements of great empires, developments of world religions, and daily lives of ordinary people. They will examine similarities and differences between these civilizations to better understand how the world we live in today came to be.
We use many different websites to enhance learning:
Achieve 3000- Individualized reading instruction.
iReady Math - Individualized Math Practice
Quizlet - Online Vocabulary Practice
NoRedInk - Grammar Instruction & Practice
Powerschool- Online Gradebook
Field Trips
Camp Seymour (Fall)
Seattle Asian Art Museum (Winter)
Gates Foundation Discovery Center (Spring)
See Music page for details.
Physical Education
See PE page for details.
See Art page for details.
Students are given multiple options for extra curricular activities provided twice a week. Classes offered in the past include: Crafts, Theater, Financial Literacy, Gardening, Chess, Trivia, Drums, Academic Support, Athletic Training, Readers Club, and so much more!