Kindergarten Curriculum
Welcome to St. George's Kindergarten Curriculum page! Here, you'll find an overview of the engaging and comprehensive education we provide, encompassing religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, all designed to foster your child's growth and development.

St. George teachers follow the religion standards put forth by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Standards are tied to the 6 tasks of Catechesis:
1. Knowledge of the Faith
2. Liturgical Education
3. Morality/Life in Christ
4. Prayer
5. Life, Community, and History of the Church
6. The Church’s Missionary Life and Service
All students have the opportunity to participate in daily prayer, weekly Monday morning prayer services, and weekly all-school Mass. All K-8 students are divided into cross-grade Faith Families that meet monthly and focus on a Catholic Social Teaching Principle and works of service to our community.
Focus: Creation, Jesus, and God’s Family
Core Religion Concepts Taught in Kindergarten:
Who does God love?
Who is God?
Who did God send?
Who is our family?
How do we become part of God’s family?
Who do you love?
Where is God and why do we praise God?
​Catholic Social Teaching Principle Theme/Service to Others: Dignity of the Human Person – We Are All Children of God!
Steps to Respect – “Circle of Grace” Program
Social Emotional Skills Focus:
Developing a growth mindset and problem-solving skills
Setting personal goals
Practicing kindness and respect
Problem-solving skills
Textbooks: We Believe: God Loves Us (Sadlier/Catholic School Identity School Edition)
St. George follows the Common Core standards in reading.
Print Concepts:
Recognize and name all 26 uppercase and lowercase letters
Phonological Awareness:
Recognize and produce rhyming words
Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words
Phonics and Word Recognition:
Letter and sound recognition
Read consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words
Read words with digraphs and blends
Read and write the first 100 sight words on Fry’s Sight Word List
Engagement with grade-appropriate decodable texts to help reinforce their decoding of words and word fluency
Language Arts
St. George follows the Common Core standards in language arts.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a literature text
Retell stories, including key details
Identify characters, setting, and major events in a story
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories
Informational Texts:
Ask and answer questions about key details in an informational text
Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text
Identify the connections between two individuals, events, or ideas in a text
Students use phonetic spelling and writing to show what they have learned
Learn correct letter formation for uppercase and lowercase letters
Write an opinion piece where they name the topic, state an opinion, and supply one reason for the opinion
Write an informative piece where they name what they are writing about and supply information about it
St. George students follow the Common Core State Standards in math. Important topics covered in Kindergarten include:
Counting and Cardinality:
Count to 100 by tens, ones, and fives
Write numbers 0-100
Identify and compare the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group
Operations and Algebraic Thinking:
Solve addition and subtraction problems within 20 using a variety of strategies, including objects, fingers, drawings, and equations
Solve addition and subtraction word problems within 20 by using objects or drawings to represent the problem
For any number 1-9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number
Fluently add and subtract within 10
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten:
Compose and decompose numbers from 11-19 into tens and ones
Measurement and Data:
Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight
Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute and describe which has more or less of that attribute
Identify and describe the following shapes: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders, and rectangular prisms
Identify shapes as 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional
Analyze and compare 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes by describing the number of sides and vertices
Compose single shapes to form larger shapes
In science, Kindergarten follows the Next Generation Science Standards.
Motion and Stability:
Plan and conduct investigations to compare the effects of pushes and pulls on different objects
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants, and their Environments:
Learn about what plants and animals need to survive
Learn about plant and animal life cycles
Weather and Climate:
Make observations of weather over time to predict patterns
Social Studies
St. George follows the Washington State Learning Standards.
Understand that a timeline is a chronological series of events
Describe important events in a student’s life
Important US holidays and why we celebrate them
Explain the difference between a need and a want
List and provide examples of goods and services
Understand what rules are and why communities create rules
Explain how weather, climate, and other environmental characteristics affect people’s lives in a region
See Music page for details.
Physical Education
See PE page for details.
See Art page for details.