The commission is established by the pastor, in accord with archdiocesan policy, to assist the pastor and principal in policy development and long-range planning for the school. When the commission meets with pastor, principal and members and agree on a policy matter, the decision is effective and binding on all. The commission will be consulted prior to decisions being made in its areas of responsibility. The commission responsibilities are in the following areas:
A. Planning
Establishing a mission statement for the school
Establishing commission goals for the school
Establishing future plans for the school
B. Policy Development
Recommending policies that give general direction for the school to the pastor and principal.
C. Finance, which includes
Developing a plan and means to finance school programs, including tuition, development and fundraising;
Allocating resources according to the budget;
Monitoring the budget.
D. Public Relations, which includes
Communication with various public groups or interested persons about the school;
Listening to the needs and concerns of the school community through appropriate forums set up for this purpose;
Recruiting students;
Promoting the school to the parish and parents.
E. Evaluation, which includes
Determining whether commission goals and plans are being met;
Evaluating the commission’s own effectiveness.
2023-2024 School Commission Members
Fr Scott Connolly
Monica Wingard
Chastity Groves
Hera Fredette
Jennifer Ebreo
Jennifer Ibach
Jenny Lobo
Jeri Gonzales
Jessica Louie
Joe Borries
Jordan Gurrieri
Lardel Sims
Micah Richardson
Philip Groves
Portia Singian
Sophia Ramirez