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Monica Wingard

Principal's Weekly Newsletter

April 6, 2023

Dear St. George Families,

Thank you to all the families that joined us for Stations of the Cross and the Soup Supper last Friday. We had a big turnout and an amazing variety of delicious soups!

2022-23 Service Hours and Fundraising Commitment Updates. On April 21, we will send home statements that show how many service hours your family has completed and as well as how much of the $500 in fundraising you have turned in. BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR SERVICE HOURS FORMS NOW (form attached). The office goes by what you submit as service.

For those of you who need more hours: we still have a few events that require volunteers: Multicultural Fair April 30th and Career Fair May 19th.

Now that registration has settled, we still have spaces open in Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten and Grade 3. Help us spread the word!

2023-2024 Tuition Contracts are now available on the SchoolAdmin website (bookmark this link!)

Please log into your Parent Portal Account to review and submit the 23-24 contract.

If you do not see a contract on SchoolAdmin but are expecting one, please contact

Please submit your contract by 4/21/23.

Today, we begin the summit of the liturgical year with the Triduum. We celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. From Holy Thursday, Good Friday evening until Easter Sunday evening. Holy Thursday Services are at 7:00 PM tonight at St. George and St. Edward.

Good Friday, April 7th (Yes, there is school on Friday, even though the lunch menu said no school. It should have said No Lunch, Half Day)

  • Since it is First Friday AKA Spirit day, the students may wear blue or black JEANS and a St. George t-shirt or hoodie.

  • The 5th grade will lead us in Stations of the Cross at 8:30 am in the church. They last about 20 minutes. Everyone is invited.

  • For K-8, school will be dismissed at noon for Easter vacation, and we have extended care as usual.

At the Easter Vigil this Saturday, we celebrate the Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation of five St. George students and one staff member. Welcome to the church Sadie Chan, Kaiden Crawford, Esme Ledesma, Yzabelle Tan, and Juliant Tan and Mrs. Goedken. May the Holy Spirt fill you with the gifts wisdom, understanding, knowledge and counsel!

School is closed for Easter Vacation April 10-14th. We will resume our regular programs Monday April 17th.

During spring break, we have hired a company to fix the cracks in our masonry. They will be setting up special safety fencing in stages around the building as they work over the next two or three weeks. So we will all be flexible about which door entrances are open during these stages.

Career Day is May 19th from 12 pm until 3 pm. We are looking for volunteers to come that afternoon and share their career experience with 4th – 8th graders. See the attached flyer, or sign up at

We wish everyone a blessed Easter and a wonderful vacation. Rest up because the last 8 ½ weeks are going to fly by!!!

Your sister in Christ,

Monica Wingard, Principal

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