Dear St. George Families, Our news a day early!
Parents Attention:
CHECK your FINALSITE accounts. Unfulfilled service hours and Fundraising have been entered. All fees are due by May 31, 2024. Lost or damaged fees for library books, musical instruments, school textbooks or such will be billed out the first week of June. You will be notified through FinalSite. Report cards/transcripts will be held for those with unpaid balances.
We are attaching the June Hot Lunch menu! There are two special lunches for June picnic day and Field Day. JUNE LUNCH ORDERS ARE DUE TOMORROW.
Summer School registration is still ongoing. Deadline next week, Friday May 24th. Flyer here.
We ask that you help us keep the kids prepared for school as there are more lessons still to come. They are getting antsy and “forgetting” the rules that have been enforced all year! Keep up with the homework routines. Get the kids to bed at regular times. Lastly, please arrive to school on time with a healthy snack and FILLED water bottle!
Upcoming Events:
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 PM is our SPRING CONCERT for Preschool-8th grade.
The doors open 6:00 PM. Students are encouraged to dress in their Sunday best. It is the expectation that all music students attend! Contact Mr. Higa if you have a conflict. Middle School students who are NOT in music this semester may attend ONLY if they are chaperoned by their parents. NO DROP OFFS allowed! They must sit with their parents during the concert. Because our concert is in a holy place, our church, we do expect student and parent to be on their best behavior and not talk during each perfordmance as that disrespects the musicians and makes it hard for all to hear. The 7th grade families will be hosting a desserts and treats sale in the St. Francis Room for AFTER the concert. Bring your small change! NO food or drink is allowed in the church!
Other Notes:
I thank Alex Cooper ( and Jeff Castro ( who have stepped up to be the new Parents Club Leadership Team for next year. With the help of Mary, Suni and Mia they are in RECRUTING mode to get us all set up for 2024-2025. WE NEED MANY HANDS. Remember Fr. Scott’s challenge to the DADS last Back to School night. The kids need to see you involved, too! I am attaching link to all the key places for which WE NEED YOU! Please go to the link today and choose an area that you can help! We are looking for parents who have never had the chance to be ROOM PARENT to jump in. We give LOTS of support and guidance! Alex and Jeff will reach out to you in late August as we get rolling for the fall.
Thank you to all our military families for all the ways they have sacrificed for us! We especially pray for those who sacrificed their lives for humanity. We wish everyone a relaxing Memorial Day as we prepare for the last 12 days of school.
We appreciate all that you do to support the teachers and staff!
Monica Wingard