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Monica Wingard

Principal's News for the Week

And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something. -Mother Teresa

August 31, 2023

Hello St. George Families,

Thank you all for such a smooth start. It is so wonderful to have the voices of children fill the classrooms and hallways. The campus is bubbling with energy and love as the students reconnect and make new friends.

Sacramental Preparation Registration is due on Sunday. Has your child received First Reconciliation or First Communion…starts in first grade? Confirmation for students in 7th grade or older? Registration forms will be available at our churches, in the school main office and at Curriculum Night. Classes start in September and late applicants will not be accepted. If you are seeking baptism for your child or you have been baptized in another church and are seeking Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA), contact Jennifer Ibach at for more information. Our church welcomes all of God’s people as we are called to love by Jesus Christ!

St. George Uniform Sweatshirts and t-shirts are one sale through September 15th.

Each family has 30 volunteer hours to fulfill this year at $30/hour unfulfilled by April 30, 2024. In order to volunteer in any capacity at school or church, adults must fulfill the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Safe Environment qualifications listed at

Volunteers Needed!

  • We need two volunteers for daily morning gate duty on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30AM-8:00AM. Are you able to volunteer one morning a week for thirty minutes?

  • Ms. Metzelaar needs volunteers Monday (12:30-3) and Fridays 10:30-3:00 in art.

  • Ms. Morgan needs volunteers Tuesday-Thursdays in the library. Can you spare 2 hours?

  • Preshool-9th Grade Parents’ Club Room Parents-2 to 3 per grade level

  • Attending Parents’ Club meetings are worth one service hour each.

  • Attending Curriculum Night is worth one service hour.

  • Lunch recess volunteers needed daily from 12:00-1:00

Each Monday, we start the week with a Morning Prayer service at 7:55 in the school hall that lasts about 15 minutes. Parents are always welcome to come join us as different classes host it. Next week due to the Labor Day holiday, our prayer service will be on Tuesday.

Parents Pick-Up Basketball. Each Thursday night at 6:00 PM, St. George parents gather to play basketball in our own Miracle Gym. We ask for a small donation of $5.00/player to help us cover the cost of utilities and maintenance. Get some exercise and meet some really fantastic people! NO children allowed.

Wed. Sept 6th - 6:30 PM Mandatory Curriculum Night for K-8 parents in the school hall. We meet as a parent community to go over some policy updates, and then parents will be dismissed for presentations from homeroom teachers that explain the expectations and routines for the year ahead.

Sat. Sept. 9th - Protecting God’s Children class at St. George Church on 10:00AM -1:00PM. Go to to sign up in advance.

Looking Ahead

Thurs. Sept. 14th - Parents Club meeting at 7:00 PM in the school hall. Every parent is a member of this! Come hear about all the fun social and fundraising activities planned for the year and find out where you can help and earn your service hours. Our first meeting will be hybrid to allow parents to connect in person or attend from home.

We will have Sacramental Prep registration forms available. Bring a check or cash to pay for registration.

Sun. Sept 24th -10:30-2:00 St. George Jogathon St. George’s second highest fundraiser in money raised, and the largest event by crowd size. It is time to invite your family friends and coworkers to sponsor your children using our online platform Greater Giving. All money raised will count toward your $500 fundraising commitment. Every family who raised $250 or more will receive a free t-shirt for their St. George students. Send this link to donate. 2023 Jog-a-Thon

Join us for the 10:30 Mass, then gather at the church parking lot starting line. The course winds through the neighborhood and ends at the St. George playground. All participants earn free ice cream from everyone’s favorite Husky Deli in West Seattle.

BBQ - New this year we are preselling lunch at St. George School BBQ Order hamburgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers to enjoy at the finish line!

Let’s work together to enrich our St. George community by supporting each other with great love, acceptance, compassion and payer!

Your sister in Christ, Monica Wingard

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