Principal's Message
Welcome to October! Thank you to all parents who attended our recent virtual Parents Club meeting.
Exciting news: We’re thrilled to welcome Christopher Owens as our new Athletic Director. He’ll be introduced at Morning Prayer on Monday, October 14th.
Key Updates
Jog-a-Thon Success: We exceeded our goal, raising $72,092! Thanks to our volunteers and donors.
Top Participation: 5th Grade (100%), Kindergarten (86%), 3rd Grade (85%)
Top Fundraiser: Enzo Spagnola with $3,600
CYO Basketball (4th-8th grade): Registration closes tomorrow. Parents must complete the mandatory online workshop to participate.
Important Dates
Parent-Teacher Conferences: October 23-25. Sign up on SignUpGenius.
Halloween Carnival: October 25, 6:00-9:00 PM. Tickets and volunteer sign-up are available here.
Middle School Dance: October 26, 6:30-8:30 PM. Hosted by 8th-grade parents.
Scholastic Book Fair: November 12-14. Volunteer sign-up here.
Grandparents/Special Adult Lunch: November 26, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM.
Seattle Police Safety Fair: October 17, 1-3:30 PM. A day of public safety learning, including equipment tours and ice cream.
Halloween Carnival: October 25, 6:00-9:00 PM. Join us in costume (no masks for Grades 3 and up). Tickets, donations, and volunteer opportunities available.
Middle School Dance: October 26, 6:30-8:30 PM. Permission slips to follow; email to volunteer as a chaperone.
Reminders/Additional Information
Fulcrum Tuition Assistance: TAP Grant applications for the 2025-26 school year are due by December 31, 2024. Apply here.
Ensure your child’s participation by meeting all necessary deadlines.
In peace,
Monica Wingard