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Monica Wingard

News of the Week

September 28, 2023

Hello St. George Families,

Jog-a-thon Success!

Thank you to our PreK – 8th grade community and extended family and friends for showing up to run and walk for St. George! We celebrated at the finish line with Husky Deli ice cream and dined on a delicious BBQ meal from Catering by Edwin! Thank you, families, for sending the texts, making the calls, and for all of the follow up that we know that you did!!! 148 families participated, 192 T-shirts were delivered, and we raised $53,536!!!! Go Dragons!!!!!

A HUGE thank you to Theresa Turla-Cordero, Charlene Fareti, Elizabeth/Christopher Turla for their organization and commitment!!!!! Another huge heartfelt thanks to the 69 volunteers who scooped ice cream, directed joggers, sold uniforms, handed out t-shirts, checked in BBQ guests, and set up and cleaned up! All Volunteers! Be sure to track your hours using the attached Service Hour form to get credit for your service. We ask that you do this after each event. Click here for photos!AmbTjYwbUfkjhl0FlQ6RiChNANI5?e=B4aUbs

A BIG Shout out to our top Jogathon fundraisers so far: the Hair family - $1,870, the Alcantara-Truong family- $1,295.00 and the Layacan/Consego family - $1,130.00

September 30 is the last date to donate and be counted towards the Jogathon at Every family should have at least $250 raised so far. The Auction in March is our next fundraiser that counts toward your $500 commitment.

Middle School Youth Group- Students in Grades 6-8 are invited to join the Cluster Parish Youth Group. Their first event is Friday Oct. 6th in the school gym.

Partners in the Gospel Input Session

We want to hear from you! As part of Partners in the Gospel, the proposed list of parish families will be released by the Archdiocese of Seattle next weekend. We invite you to join us for an input session on

Saturday, September 30 at 9:30am at St. George to discern our proposed parish family, discuss and provide feedback. After an overview of Partners, the timeline and the process, we will share in small groups. Doors open at 9:00 for a light breakfast. Our feedback will be sent back to the Archdiocese so they can continue to discern and adjust as needed. For more information, contact Jennifer at

October HOT LUNCH Orders were due today!

The 8th grade is hosting a pizza Friday next week for the half day, Oct 6th. Forms were passed out to the kids this week. See attached order form. Extended Care kids will check in FIRST before they get pizza. Students who are ordering pizza before they go home, must have their parents supervise them in the cafeteria. Do not park in a yellow zone if you are escorting your child to pizza!

Wed. Oct. 4th at 7:55 AM we will have a Blessing of the Pets in honor of the Feast of St. Francis. Families are invited to bring their leashed or caged pets to the flag pole for a special prayer and blessing from Fr. Scott and then we ask that all pets go home afterwards.

Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences are October 25, 26, and 27. Go to and sign up for your conferences. Students in Grades 2-8 are expected to attend with their parents. Look for your teachers’ names on the left starting with Kinder and choose an available time in their section.

Parents Club meet next Thursday, Oct. 5th at 7:00 PM via zoom. Room Parents and all other parents are invited to come to hear about plans for the upcoming Halloween Carnival.

The 2024-25 Tuition Assistance Application for the Fulcrum Foundation is open! Though the deadline says Dec. 31st, if you need any assistance from our office with the application, make an appointment with us BEFORE Dec. 13th. We cannot assist over Christmas vacation.

October 1, 2023

Application window opens

December 31, 2023

Application deadline for both elementary and secondary schools NOTE: Submitting the application online is just the first step. All applicants must also provide supporting documentation, like tax forms and W-2’s. Applications can only be verified and processed once the necessary documentation is received by FACTS. It takes FACTS about 14 business days to process application once paperwork is received, so the sooner it’s submitted, the better. This is the deadline for both submitting the application and submitting documentation. Exceptions won’t be made.

January 31, 2024

Preliminary award information available for secondary students

February 7, 2024

Secondary student determination notifications sent via FACTS

February 13, 2024

Preliminary award information available for elementary students

February 28, 2024

Elementary student determination notifications sent via FACTS

Thank you for all you do to build community at St. George School. This school is as warm and caring as we all make it.


Monica Wingard

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