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Monica Wingard

News of the Week

September 21, 2023

Hello St. George Families,

We are almost there! The Jog-a-thon is this Sunday, September 24th, after the 10:30 mass. Runners start at the church and end at the school for the BBQ and ice cream and an eighth-grade bake sale!! Remember, you needed to have pre-ordered for the BBQ. There is still time for you - and friends and family - to donate until September 30th. See the attached map for the route.

St. George is hosting a one-day basketball clinic on Saturday, September 30th. 4th and 5th grade boys and girls are from 10:30 to 11:30 am, 6th, 7th, & 8th-grade boys and girls are from 11:45 to 12:45. BRING CLEAN BASKETBALL SHOES. St. George students only. No cost.

Please take a few minutes and look over the attached meeting notes and presentation from the September Parents’ Club Meeting. There is lots of good information and a whole list of St. George's coming events.

The bake sale after the Jog-a-thon is a fundraiser for our 8th-grade class. Stop by, take a look, and buy some goodies. Cash only, please.

FROM The parishes

Mass of the Holy Spirit in Preparation for the Synod

All are invited to a special Mass with Archbishop Etienne on Saturday, September 23 at 5:30pm at St. James Cathedral. Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Etienne as a delegate to the Synodal assembly in Rome this October. The Synod continues with gatherings of delegates in Rome in October 2023 and is expected to conclude in 2024. In this special celebration, we pray together with him in preparation for this extraordinary time for the whole Church. All are welcome. Join us in person or @ArchdioceseofSeattle on Vimeo and Facebook. The Synod on Synodality is a process of listening and dialogue which began in 2021 with a worldwide consultation of the People of God. Learn more about the upcoming Synod at Archdiocese of Seattle’s Synod website: //

Catholic Immigration Summit: Companions on the Journey

All are invited to the 7th Annual Catholic Immigration Summit on Saturday, September 30 from 9am-2:15pm at Seattle University. Come join fellow Catholics as we listen, learn, and celebrate ways to be a place of refuge for our brothers and sisters fleeing war, persecution, climate change, and violence. On the recent anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa, Pope Francis urged us to reflect on the question “Where is Your Brother?” and to see everyone who knocks on our door as “worthy of love, acceptance, and every care.” Considering the enduring plight of migrants, Pope Francis called for renewed solidarity. This follows National Migration Week and World Day of Migrants and Refugees (September 18-24). The day includes Mass with Bishop Eusebio at 9:30am, sharing from impacted communities, lunch and table discussions, as well as discerning next steps in the struggle for justice. Information and registration:

Partners in the Gospel Input Session

We want to hear from you! As part of Partners in the Gospel, the proposed list of parish families has now been released by the Archdiocese of Seattle. This is still in “draft” form, which means it can still be changed before next January when the official groupings of the various families will be given. We invite you to join us for an input session on Saturday, September 30 at 9:00am at St. George School to discern our proposed parish family, discuss, and provide feedback. We will provide a light breakfast and then run the meeting from 9:30-11:30am. After an overview of Partners, the timeline and the process, we will share in small groups. Our feedback will be sent back to the Archdiocese so they can continue to discern and adjust as needed. The meeting will be run simultaneously in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. For more information, contact Jennifer at

See you Sunday!

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