February 1, 2024
Dear St. George Families,
Thank you to all the families who participated in the Catholic Schools Week Masses at St. Peter and St. George. Thanks to the 3rd and 7th grade room moms who organized the coffee and doughnuts and thanks to the kindergarten mom who shared an Ethiopian coffee service with us too! This Sunday I am at St. Paul’s 8:30 and St. Edward’s 10:30 and 1:00 Masses. I hope to see all those parishioners dressed in their St. George swag!
We have had a super fun Catholic Schools Week. It is so cute to see the creativity of the students in their outfits, and the joy they expressed in their pajamas! Our Family luncheon was packed with parents eating lunch with their kids and their kids’ friends. It is wonderful for parents to come be a part of our daily life at school once in a while and connect with other parents.
Service Hour opportunities
Friday Feb. 23rd at 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross/ Lenten Soup Supper hosted by the school at St. George Church. This is a communal night of prayer and then we share a soup supper as a community. We need volunteers for helping with Stations of the Cross, set up, cooking soup and clean up. Email parentclub@saintgeorgeseattle.org if you want to help with set up and clean up. Earn 2 service hour for making and delivering soup. We will have electricity for those of you using your Instapot or crock pots.
We still have two open meals that need coverage for Father Scott and Fr. Armando
There is NO Parents Club meeting this month. Our focus is on the State of the School and Auction. The next meeting is March 7.
Preschool-7th Grade families Mandatory State of the School Address on Thurs. Feb. 8th at 6:30 PM in the school hall. You earn ONE SERVICE HOUR for attending. We review school events, finances and re-registration format for next year. Free childcare will be available for those who need it. Re-registration will run Feb. 8 - Feb 29th. On March 1, we will invite new families on our wait list to register if spaces are available. All families must be current with their 2023-24 tuition and Extended Care fees in order to secure their child’s seat for next year. We will invite new families to our program on March 2 to fill all empty slots.
Our 24 Karat Magic auction planning is in high gear! Keeping the Dragon magic alive.
Get your early bird tickets NOW before the price goes up on Feb. 9th.
Fulfill your $500 fundraising commitment by cash or special desserts for our Dessert Dash!
Go to our Auction website today for all the information you need to participate and help lift up all of our St. George Students, preschool – 8th
Basketball: Please be sure to return all school jerseys to the main office by Friday, Feb. 9th.
Volleyball: For those registered for volleyball, please be on the lookout for a separate email from the team’s coach regarding the season.
Calling one calling one calling all. Volleyball season is right around the corner and we are here to help you warmup for it. On Saturday, Feb 10th, Ms. Nia will be hosting a volleyball clinic to get you ready for the season! All skill levels welcome, grades 4-8. The clinic will be from 10:00-12:30. Sign up with the link below. Please be sure to bring a water bottle and knee pads and a ball if you have one. Final day to reserve a spot is Wednesday February 7th at 6:00. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqF1PQpYb0cPL8j2p6yzT5s59RLPQQibQuFsZidGAO9hiaqQ/viewform
Can’t wait to see you all there.
Looking Ahead
Valentines ‘Day Celebration at school will be on Feb 13th this year! At St. George Valentines’ Day is a celebration of friendships and community. We ask student to make their own Valentines for each classmate and refrain from supporting Hallmark or Disney with store bought valentines with all that candy. That takes away the sentiment of friendship and puts the focuses on the candy and treats. Homemade cards can be simple and sweet. By doing this we ensure equity with our families, avoid allergy situations and avoid the negative impacts of too much sugar.
Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent February 14th is. We invite everyone to Mass at 8:30.
Remember – Noon dismissal tomorrow, Friday, February 2nd.
I look forward to seeing all our parents next week. You are who make St. George the warm welcoming community to all.
Monica Wingard