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Writer's pictureElsie Sullivan

News for the Week: Multicultural Fair, Middle School Youth Group, CYO Track

Updated: May 2, 2024


April 25, 2024



Dear St. George Families,


In Faith Families, the students had a lesson on protecting our earth.  We discussed the damage and health risks pesticides have  on plants, water, air and us. The children looked at other ways to prevent pesky garden bugs by using alternatives to pesticides like planting marigolds around gardens. Each child planted his/her own marigold seeds to grow and use as a bug repellant in home gardens. We are excited to see pictures of thriving marigolds!


Thank you to the 37 pizza eating families who took part in the Tutta Bella fundraiser for St. George. We raised $654.03 for our school!  Look for our next EasyAsPieSaintGeorge pizza week next year.


Our annual Day of Service is happening this Saturday, April 27th!  Tomorrow is the last day we are collecting diapers, wipes, new and GENTLY used baby and children’s clothing for the PREPARES ministry at St. Edward.  



Sunday, April 28 is our Parish Multicultural Fair and celebration of the Feast of St. George following our 10:30 Mass. We will have a food/drinks dishes from Ethiopia, The Philippines, Vietnam, Ukraine, Mexico Laos/Khmu, China, Germany, Ukraine and Thailand. Our entertainment includes The Tongan Youth Choir from St. Edward, Groupe Folkloric Citali (Mexico), Mexican Danza of San Eduardo, Hula, Seattle University’s Hidaka Taiko Japanese Drumming Club and Tinikling and Kali from St. George Filipino dance Troup. This is your last chance to earn service hours for the 2023-2024 school year so sign up ASAP!  Come for lunch 11:30-2:00! If you still want to share a dish, it’s not too late to sign up: 

Middle School Youth Group Night at Menchie’s

All 6th-8th graders are invited to join us for a night of frozen yogurt and fun on Friday, May 17 at 6:30pm.  We’ll head over to Menchie’s in West Seattle and take our treats to Hiawatha Park for some games (weather permitting).  Permission slip is attached and is due by Friday, May 10


Thurs, May 2nd is our next Zoom PTA meeting at 7:00 PM .

Meeting ID: 893 6055 8327     Passcode: 573277




Last call for registration for CYO Track & Field. Please head over to CYO TeamSideline and register:

Our first track practice is planned for this Monday, April 29th from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Cleveland Playfield. More details about practices and events will come in a separate email for those who are registered.


There has been some energy building around forming an adult softball team this summer. In addition to St. George families, anyone associated with the

South Seattle Parish Family will be welcome to join. We would play 8 games, about one per week, against other parish teams with a tournament at the end

of the season in August.  If you would like to participate, please express your interest by filling out this form before May 10th. Play ball!"


Friday, May 3rd will be our May Crowing Mass at 10:30. We invite all children to bring in a flower to honor Mother Mary in our opening procession!


Missing Sweater and Sweatshirts?  There are many missing uniform pieces and our Lost and Found is full of nameless items including uniform pieces, coats, water bottles and lunch containers. The next time you are doing laundry, please check for names on the labels in case your child brought the wrong one home! Sometimes the kids don’t look and grab the wrong one!


24-25 Enrollment – Have you completed your Enrollment Checklist on Finalsite?

Contracts must be summited by June 1, 2024


Summer School registration is still ongoing. See attachments.


I hope to see you at Mass and the Multicultural Fair on Saturday.


In Peace,


Monica Wingard


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