January 18, 2024
Dear St. George Families,
With Catholic Schools Week around the corner, I am looking for several student and parent greeters and readers at the following Catholic School Celebration Masses. I welcome any child/parent who would love to represent our school at these Masses. This is a way our parishioner families can show their support for their local parishes. You earn service hours for helping. Contact me for more information.
Sat. Jan 27th 5:00 PM St. George Vietnamese Mass
Sun. Jan. 28th 8:30 AM St. Peter
Sun. Jan. 28th 10:30 AM St. George
The St. George Children’s choir will be singing. Be there at 9:45AM to warm up.
Coffee and donuts after Mass hosted by our 3rd and 7th grade room parents.
Sun. Feb. 4th 8:30 AM St. Paul
Sun. Feb. 4th 10:30 AM St. Edward
Sun. Feb. 4th 1:00 PM St. Edward Spanish Mass
Save the date:
The Family Luncheon is Wed. Jan 31st from 11:30-12:15 grades Pre-4, and 12:15:1:00 grades 5-8. All parents are welcome to bring a special lunch, eat with their children, and celebrate our FAMILY!
UPCOMING Service Hours opportunities
Wed. Jan.31. Family Luncheon. We need help with clean-up. Contact our office.
Friday Feb. 23rd - Lenten Soup Lunch for the kids. We need 6 people to help 11:15-1:00.
Friday Feb. 23rd at 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross/ Lenten Soup Supper hosted by the school at St. George Church. This is a communal night of prayer and then we share a soup supper as a community. We need volunteers for helping with Stations of the Cross, set up, cooking soup, and clean up. A Sign-up Genius from Parents Club will be coming out soon to sign up for that.
The business office has sent each family (through your child) a mid-year check-in letter stating the Service Hours and Fundraising Hours we have recorded as of January 17, 2024. All hours must be recorded on Service Hour Form and sent to the main office. Any volunteer hours for Jogathon, Halloween Carnival, Coaching, Recess Duty, Library Help, Field Trips and such must be recorded. Our staff in the main office will only record what YOU submit. Each family has committed to 30 Service Hours and $500 in Fundraising by April 30, 2024. Families will be invoiced May 1, 2024 for hours and fundraising not completed. Any hours served AFTER April 30th can be used towards next year’s commitment. There are still many ways to get your hours served and fundraising completed with the auction coming up.
It is time to rally the Dragon family in support of our largest fundraiser and adult FUN raiser of the year. Spread the word to family, friends and alumni!
Our 24 Karat Magic auction planning is in high gear! Keeping the Dragon magic alive.
Get your early bird tickets NOW before the price goes up on Feb. 9th.
Fulfill your $500 fundraising commitment by donating new items/experiences, cash, or special desserts for our Dessert Dash!
Go to our Auction website today for all the information you need to participate and help lift up all of our St. George Students, preschool – 8th https://saintgeorgeseattle.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2024StGeorgeSchoolAuction/tabid/1392275/Default.aspx
From the Parish: All of our families who receive in-parish tuition rate have received a Stewardship letter from Father Scott clarifying his expectation of those families who have stated that they are practicing Catholics at one of our Rainbow parishes. Any questions about registration, mass attendance and tithing should be made directly with the respective parish secretaries. They are the people in consultation with Fr. Scott who sign off on in-parish status.
Preschool-7th Grade families Mandatory State of the School Address on Thurs. Feb. 8th at 6:30 PM in the school hall. You earn ONE SERVICE HOUR for attending.
We review school events, finances, and re-registration format for next year. Free childcare will be available for those who need it. Re-registration will run Feb. 8 - Feb 29th. On March 1, we will invite new families on our wait list to register if spaces are available. All families must be current with their 2023-24 tuition and Extended Care fees in order to secure their child’s seat.
February Hot Lunch menu your orders are due Tues, Jan. 23rd.
Grade K-3 starting coding classes on January 23rd. Each week, these students will have a 45-minute lesson on the basics of coding. These lessons are only available due to the powerful fundraising of our parent community during the Jogathon and auction.
4th - 8th Grade Volleyball registration is open until Friday, January 19th, 2024. The season will begin Mid-February.
3rd Grade Boys Basketball registration will be open until Friday, January 26th, 2024. The season will begin late-February.
To register for either program, please visit TeamSideline (https://www.teamsideline.com/sites/seattlecyo/home) and login/create an account.
Please be sure to register as soon as possible so we can get a proper headcount of interest for a team.
If you have any further questions about these upcoming programs or registration, please feel free to email athletics@saintgeorgeseattle.org.
The 4th graders have announced that their 200 salmon eggs are starting to hatch in our fish tank! How exciting!
I will be at St. James Parish this weekend as part of their recognition of Catholic Schools Week. St. James parishioners come say hi at the parish center after the 10:00 and 12:00 Masses!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Monica Wingard