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Writer's pictureElsie Sullivan

New of the Week

Week of Hope
Be vigilant, Alert and Watchful

December 8, 2023

Dear St. George

Week One of Advent we prepare for the coming of Jesus in three ways: one, we commemorate the coming of Jesus in his birth; two, we notice how Jesus comes to us in our daily life; and lastly, we watch for the second coming of Jesus.

I am attaching the Advent schedule of events and Christmas Masses for our South Cluster parishes. Our parishes are also looking for volunteers to help decorate the churches for the holidays. This is a wonderful opportunity to show your participation as a parishioner! Contact Ana Marie Juguilon at for more information.

Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and we invite you all to join us at the 8:30 Mass. We remember that Mary was conceived by St. Anne without original sin. As the angel said “Hail Mary Full of Grace the Lord is with you!” Mary was purposefully chosen by God to be the instrument through which the Savior would come.

Thank you for spreading the love and joy of Christmas to our brothers and sisters. All gifts are due tomorrow by 8:30 so we can get them over to St. Edward for disbursement. If you missed this opportunity and still want to help, the St. Vincent De Paul always accepts cash, checks and gift cards for those in need all year long.

If your student is in need of reading help, please see the attached flyer “Realized Excellence”. This is a tutoring program by a past St. George Parent and great teacher. Check out the website on the flyer or send an email to get more information.

Our Parents Club meets tonight at 7:00 PM on zoom. Come hear about all the events on the horizon. Join us at

Meeting ID: 893 6055 8327 Passcode: 573277

Please join your fellow St. George parents at this evenings Parent Club Meeting.

January Hot Lunch Menus are due next Wednesday! Get your orders in on time so he can grocery shop for your child!

Thursday, Dec. 14th at 6:30 PM in the church is our Advent Concert.

Doors will open 5:45PM. This is a mandatory event for all Preschool - 5th grade students and 6-8 graders who are taking music this trimester. The students are working together to create a beautiful piece of music and when classmates don’t show up, it lets the class down.

Any 6th – 8th grade student not performing that night may attend if accompanied by a parent and they MUST sit with their parents in the pews and not congregate in the back. NO child may be dropped off unattended by parents.

The 8th grade families will be hosting a huge bake sale in the vestibule after the concert for a treat for the ride home. Please bring small bills $1, $5 and $10.

Friday Dec. 15th

Everyone is welcome to attend the all-school Mass on Friday Dec 15th.

We will host our First Trimester Honors assembly later at 11:00 in the school hall. All parents are invited to celebrate the hard work of all our students.

Lost and Found will be laid out for families to come sort through too! Our own Mt. St. Helen’s of coats is ready to erupt!

School will dismiss at NOON from the cafeteria and there is NO EXTENDED CARE.

I have attached our January Calendar so you can see all the events coming after the New Year!

Registration for the CYO Volleyball 2023-2024 season is open until Friday, January 19th, 2024. Volleyball is open to all 4th grade through 8th grade students, boys and girls. We are looking for players and volunteer coaches. There is no prior experience/knowledge required for any child to play volleyball. Volunteer coaches also do not need any prior coaching experience. The first weekend of volleyball games will be February 24th, 2024 and the last weekend of game will be April 14th, 2024. To register/for more information, please visit the official CYO TeamSideline website ( or send an email to Andrew Garcia –

Our school campus will be closed Dec.18 - January 1 for Christmas vacation.

Wishing you a peace filled Advent!

Monica Wingard

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