January 22, 2024
Dear St. George Families!
Word on the streets is that Renton Pavilion is the place to be on March 9th. We are calling on all 201 families to rally around the…
2024 St. George School Auction
24 KARAT MAGICSaturday, March 9th 2024
See why this is so important in a video created to promote last year’s auction:
Have you fulfilled all 30 service hours and $500 in fundraising yet? Even if you have, we could still use your help!
We are still accepting: Live/Silent auction donations are due on Friday 1/26. We’re looking for fun experiences - vacation getaways, hotel stays, restaurant certificates, sporting events, spa days, movie tickets, shows, and family friendly adventures. New this year, we will not be auctioning off individual tangible items like linens, games or kitchen gadgets….only experiences.
The Dessert Dash is in need of a few more desserts. Already fulfilled your fundraising requirements but need more service hours? Donate one STORE BOUGHT dessert valued at $30 = One service hour. Sign up on line to bring one
Cash donations are also welcome & help to underwrite auction expenses, including experiences the auction team needs to complete for live auction packages, such as dinner certificates & hotel stays.
Tickets! Everyone is welcome! Be sure to take advantage of the early bird price now get your tickets before they go up in price on 2/10 . Order a table and invite friends, family and any old school mates!
Thank you to our auction team who have been preparing for this event for months already! Every child benefits from the proceeds of the 24 Karat Magic Auction. Help lift up every child at St. George!
Monica Wingard