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Monica Wingard

News for the Week

September 28, 2023

Hello St. George Families,

Parents Club meets tonight, Oct. 5th, at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Room Parents and all other parents are invited to come to hear about plans for the upcoming Halloween Carnival. Look for the Sign-up Genius for volunteering on Monday!

The 8th grade is hosting a pizza lunch tomorrow for those who preordered. Extended Care kids will check in FIRST before they get pizza. Students who are ordering pizza before they go home must have their parents supervise them in the cafeteria. Do not park in a yellow zone if you are escorting your child to pizza!

Mrs. Metzelaar is still looking for volunteers in the Art room on Fridays for the following classes: 10:15-11:10 (Gr 2), 11:24-12:15 (Gr. 5), 12:35-1:20 (Gr. 1) and 2:00-2:50 (Gr. 4). If you can help any time, contact the office!

We are also looking for substitutes who have the required credentials to substitute in preschool from time to time. Candidates must be compliant with Department of Youth and Family Services (DCYF) Merit Background checks, CPR, First Aid, and have some initial training in Child Care Basics class. If you are interested, contact the main office.

Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences, K-8, are October 25, 26, and 27. Go to and sign up for your conferences. Students in Grades 2-8 are expected to attend with their parents. Look for your teacher’s name on the left, starting with Kinder, and choose an available time in her section.

The 2024-25 K-12th grade Tuition Assistance Application for the Fulcrum Foundation is open! Though the deadline says Dec. 31st, if you need any assistance from our office with the application, make an appointment with us BEFORE Dec. 13th. We cannot assist over Christmas vacation.

October 1, 2023

Application window opens

December 31, 2023

Application deadline for both elementary and secondary schools NOTE: Submitting the application online is just the first step. All applicants must also provide supporting documentation, like tax forms and W-2’s. Applications can only be verified and processed once the necessary documentation is received by FACTS. It takes FACTS about 14 business days to process an application once the paperwork is received, so the sooner it’s submitted, the better. This is the deadline for both submitting the application and submitting documentation. Exceptions won’t be made.

January 31, 2024

Preliminary award information available for secondary students

February 7, 2024

Secondary student determination notifications sent via FACTS

February 13, 2024

Preliminary award information available for elementary students

February 28, 2024

Elementary student determination notifications sent via FACTS

Tomorrow is St. George Spirit Day. Blue or black jeans and any St. George tee shirt or hoodie may be worn. Students are also welcome to wear their uniforms.


Notes from the Parishes

Middle School Youth Group Pizza and P.E. Games Night

All Middle School Youth (6th-8th grade) are invited to join us for a Pizza and P.E. Games Night at St. George School in the gym on Friday, October 6 at 6:30pm. No athletic ability required! We are so excited to be starting a Middle School Youth Group. This year’s events were designed by a team of Middle School leaders who identified ways to build community in a fun environment. We also welcome high school students to help us run these events. To register, fill out and return the forms found in the entryway of church or at to Jennifer at

Synod on Synodality

Initiated by Pope Francis, the Synod on Synodality is a process of listening and dialogue which began in 2021 with a worldwide consultation of the People of God. The Synod continues with gatherings of delegates in Rome in October 2023, including our own Archbishop Etienne, and is expected to conclude in 2024. What is a Synod? The word “synod” means “on the way together” and refers to a gathering of the Church for discernment or decision-making. Learn more about the upcoming Synod at Archdiocese of Seattle’s Synod website: // All are invited to join Discerning Deacons’ October weekly Rosary for a Synodal Church online at on Tuesdays in October at 9am.

Refugee Ministry Food Sale

The Laotian/Khmu’ community at St. Edward is working with the Refugee Ministry to raise money for our new Refugee Ministry Fund. They will be selling delicious to-go meals that you can pre-order for the weekends of October 15 (St. Peter and St. George) and October 29th (for St. Edward and St. Paul) to pick up after Sunday Mass. To order meals, go to, scan the QR code on the flyer, or sign up on the sheets in the entry of the church. Thank you for your support.

Jennifer Ibach Pastoral Associate for Southeast Seattle Parishes (Sts. Edward, George, Paul and Peter)

Looking ahead: The entire school, Preschool - 8th Grade, will be closed on Friday, Oct. 13th for

Archdiocesan training.


Monica Wingard

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